Danny Saathoff

Danny Saathoff

Jewelry designer Danny Saathoff shares his love for turning materials he finds on the street into beautiful artwork of all shapes and sizes.

Jewelry designer Danny Saathoff shares his love for turning materials he finds on the street into beautiful artwork of all shapes and sizes. Artist Bio: Danny Saathoff has been creating jewelry for 15 years since he earned his Design In Fine Arts degree from the University of Wisconsin-Stout. He's ventured into creating wall art pieces in the last couple of years. Danny's style is centered around the assembly of every day items into unusual and inspiring artwork. His pieces are built from items such as rusty silverware, old toy parts, and children's alphabet blocks, among many others. He sometimes complements these items with strokes of paint and graphic designs to accentuate the tone of the piece. Minnesota Music in this Segment: CTB http://www.innova.mu/artist1.asp?skuID=34 Dosh http://www.doshfamily.com Neal & Leandra http://www.nealandleandra.com
MORE INFO: Artist web site: dannysaathoff.com

Air Date 10/21/10

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